Ego is the Enemy

  1. Wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, your worst enemy already lives inside you: your ego.

  2. The ego we see most commonly goes by a more casual definition: an unhealthy belief in our own importance. Arrogance. Self-centered ambition.

  3. At any given time in life, people find themselves at one of three stages. We’re aspiring to something—trying to make a dent in the universe. We have achieved success—perhaps a little, perhaps a lot. Or we have failed—recently or continually.Ego is the enemy every step along this way.

  4. When we remove ego, we’re left with what is real.You must practice seeing yourself with a little distance, cultivating the ability to get out of your own head.

  5. The only relationship between work and chatter is that one kills the other.

  6. Pride blunts the very instrument we need to own in order to succeed: our mind.

  7. The question to ask, when you feel pride, then, is this: What am I missing right now that a more humble person might see? What am I avoiding, or running from, with my bluster and embellishments? It is far better to ask and answer these questions now, with the stakes still low, than it will be later.

  8. Instead of pretending that we are living some great story, we must remain focused on the execution—and on executing with excellence. We must shun the false crown and continue working on what got us here.

  9. The only real failure is abandoning your principles. Killing what you love because you can’t bear to part from it is selfish and stupid. If your reputation can’t absorb a few blows, it wasn’t worth anything in the first place.

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Bhavesh Bhavsar

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I am Bhavesh Bhavsar live in Ahmedabad, State of Gujarat in India with my family. I have been working in the corporate world as a Merchandizer positions for last 8 years. I am creative thinker, with focus on finding solution to the issues of mass interest. “I believe that a heart, full of love, is the treasure most precious. That’s why; I wanted to share with the world, my insights about love, that I gained with years of observations and personal experiences. These insights will help the reader understand what exactly want is and also help to provide answer all related questions. That in turn will help the reader to gain and maintain relationships.”

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Bhavesh Bhavsar

I am author and write to book for my readers.