A tribe is a group of people connected to one another, connected to a leader, and connected to an idea.
You can’t have a tribe without a leader—and you can’t be a leader without a tribe.
A group needs only two things to be a tribe: a shared interest and a way to communicate.
Tribes are about faith—about belief in an idea and in a community. And they are grounded in respect and admiration for the leader of the tribe and for the other members as well.
If you want to grow, you need to find customers who are willing to join you or believe in you or donate to you or support you.
Marketing is the act of telling stories about the things we make—stories that sell and stories that spread.
What people are afraid of isn’t failure. It’s blame. Criticism.We choose not to be remarkable because we’re worried about criticism.
A leader can help increase the effectiveness of the tribe and its members by • transforming the shared interest into a passionate goal and desire for change; • providing tools to allow members to tighten their communications; and • leveraging the tribe to allow it to grow and gain new members.
Building new habits can be overwhelming at first but have a huge payoff.
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